The Bill Gates Foundation has just announced the creation of a new vaccine to fight against ransomware-type viruses.
Bill Gates, who was present at the announcement, agreed to give our reporters more details. “It’s a Messenger-like vaccine, which allows all Windows users to effectively protect themselves against ransomware.”.
According to the creator of Micorosft, “it’s very simple: just install Messenger, a magnificent messaging app, buy a Zune, and go to your doctor with your equipment. The doctor will carefully “inject the lubricant directly into your behind and then install the Zune there. This way, you will be 100% protected.”
Our reporter dared to ask a delicate question: how does this procedure effectively protect the user? To which the master of the world replied: “It is however obvious: with the Zune installed in this way, you’re already 100% fucked up so it can’t really get any worse than that now can it?”